Well Art: An art for wellbeing challenge


  • Mental Health
  • Digital
  • 18+
Visual Art

How will the Challenge run? Each day you’ll receive (by email) an art idea and an example image – none of the ideas should take more than 30 minutes to complete.
What kind of ideas? The ideas will be flexible and cover a variety of themes and different ways art can help wellbeing & mental health – from creative grounding tools to drawing or painting a scene to absorb you.
Will I be able to share with others? Yes, there’ll be a private Facebook group where you can share artwork and see how others interpret the ideas too.
Why an idea every day? Daily art practice can be particularly positive, becoming part of your routine and a great way to have a little time out each day. And if you miss a day – just get back to it when you can!
When does the Challenge start? The Well Art Challenge will start on Saturday 6 April and run until Saturday 27th April. Use the contact details on the right to sign up for free.

Contact Information


This is a digital programme


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


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