Silk Painting at Hemmingwell Centre

Made With Many

  • Feeling connected
  • East Midlands
  • 18+
Visual Art

Please join us as we welcome Artist Donna Fox for a series of silk painting workshops to make hand made bunting using hot wax batik and silk dying techniques. Donna will lead a number of sessions which will incorporate your designs into the overall bunting display, which we hope will share your stories in a creative way to be enjoyed by everyone visiting the centre.

Each session will have two workshops to try and will take you on a journey of discovery allowing you to explore different art and craft techniques.

No experience is necessary as all instructions will be given at the sessions.

Fridays from 21st October – 16th December 2022 (no session on the 28th October)

Contact Information


Hemmingwell Community and Skills Centre
127 Nest Farm Crescent


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