An Autumn Sketchbook: Nature Journaling For Wellbeing


  • Stress relief
  • Digital
  • 18+
Visual Art

This autumn, would you like to experiment with nature journaling and see how it can boost your wellbeing? An Autumn Sketchbook will be a flexible art challenge, to try from home in your own time. Starting on 28 September and running for a month, every other day you’ll receive a different nature journaling idea by email, together with an example image. There will also be a private Facebook group where participants can share and see how others get on.

Nature journaling is a fantastic way to look more closely at nature and to spend some calm and mindful time being creative.
For a free place email organizer Isobel using the email address on the right.

Contact Information


This is a digital programme


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


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