Dance for Parkinson’s

National Dance Company Wales

  • Neurological
  • Wales
  • £Various
  • 18+

Classes offer movement and voice exercises designed to help manage living with Parkinson’s.
Dance has been proven to develop confidence and strength, whilst temporarily relieving some participants of symptoms in everyday life. Classes are creative and promote feelings of freedom from the physical and social constraints of having Parkinson’s.
Dancing can enhance fluidity of movement, develop postural stability, flexibility of the spine and improve balance whilst the use of rhythm and voice can help with cueing movement and expression.
Classes are open to those living with Parkinson’s, along with their families, loved ones and carers.
We are an Affiliated hub of English National Ballet’s Dance for Parkinson’s programme.

Contact Information

029 2063 5600


Cardiff, Bangor, Wrexham


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday



“The class makes me feel less isolated, and not so alone. I have met lovely friends! ”

Participant, Cardiff

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