Move Dance Feel

Move Dance Feel CIC

  • Physical Health
  • Is Digital
  • 18+

Move Dance Feel CIC activities include regular dance sessions as well as weekend courses. They also offer short creative projects for artistic development. These activities may sometimes be delivered in partnership with cancer care organisations, charities, community establishments or arts institutions, and at other times independently. The company also conducts research and disseminates findings, highlighting the benefits of dance in this context, and provides training opportunities.


Their activities are for women with any type of cancer, and at any stage (pre, during or post treatment). They also welcome women who are supporting someone with cancer, e.g. a relative, friend, or cancer care professional, and women who are mourning the loss of someone to cancer. They provide creative, collaborative and joyful dance activity specifically designed to enhance participant wellbeing and offer holistic support.


Move Dance Feel is also founder of an international ‘Dance in Cancer Care Network’, and delivers interdisciplinary training, bringing together those working in both the arts and the health sectors.


Contact Information

We do not have a company phone - please email


Please see website
Please see website
See website 'take part' page



“I’m amazed at how much of an impact dancing on a Friday morning has made on my wellbeing. I feel like it has stirred something in me that had gone to sleep.”


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