Moving Together


  • Physical Health
  • Multiple Locations
  • 18+

Moving Together is for those with long-term health conditions to move together with others whilst reaping the benefits it has to offer in a relaxed and enjoyable way. Standing and sitting options. Suitable for MS, Parkinson’s, Stroke, Cancer and Rheumatoid conditions.
– Register here:
1. Opportunity to socialise, meet new people, feel less isolated, and feel belonged.
2. Improve balance, mobility, strength, and co-ordination.
3. Keeps both your body and mind active and alert.
4. Prevents the risk of falling.
5. Increases the skill and precision of everyday movement tasks.
6. Greater confidence and self-worth.
7. Increase enthusiasm to try out new activities and places.
8. Increases fluidity of movement.
9. Regular exercise in a fun and enjoyable way.
10. Increase motivation and energy levels.

FRONTLINEdance is not able to provide medical or personal care. Carers are welcome to join in or stay nearby.

Contact Information


Tunstall. Stoke-on-Trent. , Blurton. Stoke-on-Trent., Stafford


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday


£Pay What You Can - £5
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