The Recovery Programme

Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums

  • Addiction
  • North East England
  • 18+

We work in partnership with individuals and organisations across Tyneside to develop inspiring, creative projects that aim to support people in their recovery journey, by increasing confidence, wellbeing and promoting peer support.

To design our programme we collaborate with a variety of professionals and service users from organisations that support people in addiction recovery and justice recovery including: 

  • NECA (North East Council on Addiction) 
  • Recovery Connections 
  • Changing Lives 
  • The Road to Recovery Trust
  • Streetwise Opera 
  • Northumbria Community Rehabilitation Company 
  • Search Chain Reaction 
  • Crisis Skylight

Since 2018 the Recovery programme has engaged with over 1600 participants in recovery and support staff.


  • Working with museum staff to develop museum object displays 
  • Museum object handling activities 
  • Bespoke creative sessions and projects
  • Co-produced community exhibitions 
  • Digital learning 
  • Exhibition tours and behind-the-scenes tours 
  • Supported volunteering opportunities 
  • Creative resources for carers and support workers to use with clients

Contact Information


Tyne and Wear Archives & Museums
Blandford Square
Newcastle Upon Tyne


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday



“I put my trust into this programme and you repaid that trust by listening to me, my ideas and everything else. It’s impacted my recovery in a good way.”

Gateshead Recovery Connections

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