Leeds Lunchtime Chamber Music 2023/2024

The series features musicians from Yorkshire and beyond. It takes place at The Venue – Leeds Conservatoire on a Wednesday lunchtime between 1.05pm – 1.55pm. The concerts are all free to attend and everyone is welcome. You don’t need to book in advance, just turn up on the day and enjoy the music. The concerts take place from the beginning of October to the middle of April every year. Donations are a great support to these lunchtime concerts, and we are very grateful for all contributions from those who feel able to.

Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music 2023/2024

The series is curated by Leeds City Organist, Darius Battiwalla, and features a wide variety of talented organists. It currently takes place at Leeds Cathedral on a Monday lunchtime between 1.15pm – 2.05pm. The concerts are all free to attend and everyone is welcome. You don’t need to book in advance, just turn up on the day and enjoy the music. The concerts runs from the middle of September to the beginning of April every year. Donations are a great support to these lunchtime concerts, and we are very grateful for all contributions from those who feel able to.

Female Group Music Making

Join our female only* music making group for adults. All styles and musical cultures valued. No previous experience required.

Musical Connections

Musical Connections specifically benefits adults who consider themselves isolated, lonely, vulnerable or marginalised due to personal circumstances or specific needs. 87% of current members are/have been mental health service users with others having long-term health conditions, physical disabilities or sensory impairments affecting their mental health, mental and physical health being intrinsically linked. The project uses music making activities to build confidence, resilience and life skills, improving wellbeing and reducing isolation.

Please contact us if interested and we will send over further info.

8-week Music Performance Course

Who is it for?
Our courses are run in small group settings by professional artists and musicians, who have lots of experience working with people from all artistic backgrounds. Our courses are for adults 19+. All materials are provided. We prioritise people with health conditions, disabilities and/or unpaid caring responsibilities.

Develop your skills and confidence playing an instrument or singing individually and as part of a group. Establish teamwork and technical skills to collaborate, rehearse, plan and perform covers successfully with other musicians. Gain an understanding of composition to create original music. You’ll listen, experiment and compose, rehearse, play and review as a group in the classroom, supported by individual practice at home. Showcase your work to an invited small audience.

Where and when?
Tuesdays 10.30am – 1.30pm The Oasis Centre, Wisbech, PE13 3NR

Dependent on income. FREE for those on a low income or means-tested benefits. Please see website for further details: www.creativefenland.org.uk/about-courses

How do I join?
Apply on our website: www.creativefenland.org.uk/courses, email magda@creativefenland.org.uk or phone 07707 972721.

Space For Sound with Wiltshire Creative

Space For Sound is a free 8-week music course, offering a fun and social space to take part in creative sessions with professional musician Louise Jordan.

Get hands-on playing music together using a variety of instruments and voices, explore songwriting; try active listening, and recording with easy-to-use technology.

Through a wide variety of activities, notice how we use music in our day-to-day lives to destress, energize and support our well-being. Sessions may include short gentle walks to the local park, weather permitting.

Non-musicians and musicians are welcome! We will provide everything you need to take part but invite participants to bring along their own instruments if they wish.

These workshops will take place on Thursday evenings,
6.30-9.00 pm, 8th June – 27th July at St Francis Church and a session at Salisbury Playhouse.


Relaxed and fun music and heritage workshops for adults in Suffolk.

Come and explore objects and music with our friendly team of workshop leaders and musicians.

These sessions will bring you together with others in your local community, providing an opportunity to take part in activities and connect over tea and cake. Sessions last for two hours and tea and cake is provided. No musical experience is necessary.

Our team are trained to ensure these workshops are suitable for those living with long term health conditions, including Dementia and Parkinson’s.

Sessions take place in Wickham Market, Woodbridge, Saxmundham and Leiston

For more information about our session dates and times please visit our website.


Musical Memory Café

Live Music Now musicians performing Memory Cafés in South Hams and East Devon for people living with Dementia and their carers.

In Dartmouth (Tuesdays), Crediton (Tuesdays) , Colyton (Wednesdays) & Totnes (Thurdays).

See below for dates and contact details for each location

For Dartmouth:
Contact Dartmouth Caring on 01803 835384 for details
28 February 2023 (Louis Bingham);
28 March 2023 (Charlotte Badham);
18 April (Louis Bingham);
further dates (Tuesdays) to be announced.

For Crediton:
Contact Brian Shillingford, Crediton Memory Café, on 01363 772657 for details
28 March 2023 (Anna Ling);
further dates (Tuesdays) to be announced.

For Colyton:
Contact 07517 054166 or colymemcafe@gmail.com Colyton Memory Café for details
8 March 2023 (Anna Ling);
Further dates in Colyton and Colyford (Wednesdays) to be announced.

For Totnes:
Contact Totnes Caring on 01803 865684 for more details.
13 April 2023 (Louis Bingham) and
Further dates (Thursdays) to be announced.

walks in the continuous field with Dylan Bolles

This online program offers guided sound and movement scores for harmonizing self and other in collaboration with the more-than-human world.

Join any time until 28th January 2023. You will gain access to online resources and support through Basecamp.
Session Dates (optional attendance by Zoom):
Saturday 19th November 2022
Saturday 10th December 2022
Saturday 28th January 2023

walks in the continuous field is an environmental sound, breath and listening practice designed to help humans cultivate a social relationship with the more-than-human world. It combines written prompts, explanatory and inspirational writing, media, and collective workshop experiences to create a community of learners and makers committed to greater harmony with our lived environment.

walks in the continuous field is also an ongoing collaborative research project that asks questions about our collective role in the wider life of the planet. What makes us human? What is the relationship between systems that oppress animals and plants and similar oppressive structures that constrain and damage humans? Can the rift that separates our social lives from the social life of nature be repaired and by what processes? walks in the continuous field will be a living document, library and resource for all of its participants as we navigate these and other questions together.

Philosophy of Action
The reflective process of art-making brings us into conversation with our materials and methods, and ultimately with our own core values and beliefs. By centering the more-than-human world within an artistic process, we effectively turn the lens both outward to the larger environment, and inward to confront the nature of our own participation and being-in-common with the larger reality of our lived environment. The outcomes which arise from these processes can be both powerful and unpredictable. In Dylan’s life, it has set him down a path that he now feels compelled to follow, even though he sometimes finds himself reluctant to walk it as he clings to old ways and comforts.

walks in the continuous field runs as a rolling series of three month blocks. The subscription includes access to all project materials, including chat and message support in the Basecamp environment, and admission to a monthly workshop. Workshops will initially be held on Zoom with the possibility of in-person or hybrid events to follow. Course materials will be adapted and expanded as the research develops and there will be opportunities for motivated students to form research groups of their own to explore particular topics. Dylan is eager, for instance, to launch a focus on bird sounds and behaviour when the opportunity arises. Where are your interests? This is a great place to come and find out

Take-Away Benefits:
Dylan’s intention in developing this course is to provide tools towards the cultivation of deeper human relationships with the more-than-human world. In addition, this course is an opportunity to assemble a committed group of humans to share experiences, challenges, revelations and hopes as they arise in this process, and to provide important feedback on how to best communicate these new/old ideas. Lastly, this course is designed to open out the many aspects of sound energy at work in our daily interactions and to strengthen our uses of this energy in our music, speech, listening and other day to day activities.