The Platinum Programme

Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums

  • Wellbeing
  • North East England
  • 55+

Our Platinum programme specialises in working with people over age 55 – to improve their positive mindfulness, wellbeing, physical, social, and learning needs. 

We believe in strategic partnerships and work with health and care professionals, local authorities, universities, charities and support services including:    

  • Age Concern Tyneside South
  • Age UK North Tyneside
  • The Angelou Centre
  • Cumbria Northumberland Tyne and Wear Mental Health Trust
  • Dementia Matters
  • Elder’s Council Newcastle
  • Newcastle Hospitals Trust
  • Regional residential and nursing facilities
  • Sight Service Gateshead and South Tyneside
  • South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust
  • Your Homes Newcastle

Over the last 5 years the programme has worked with hundreds of partner organisations, and we have delivered over 180 sessions with over 3000 older people.

Opportunities include:

  • Slow Museums – a relaxed visiting experience providing a safe space, support and time to think
  • Working with museum staff to develop museum object displays
  • Museum object handling activities
  • Bespoke creative sessions and projects
  • Museum Health and Social Care resources for carers and support workers to use with clients
  • Training for Health and Care staff

Contact Information


Tyne and Wear Archives & Museums
Blandford Square
Newcastle Upon Tyne


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday



“My wife went into a care home with Dementia. If I didn't join this I wouldn't be here now. It saved my life.”

Programme participant

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