Creative Community Resettlement

Odd Arts

  • Mental Health
  • North West England
  • 18+

Creative Community Resettlement (CCR) This Greater Manchester community offer provides create support, experiences and opportunities for people facing the greatest level of discrimination and adversity. The project has been funded by Arts Council England and One Manchester, vitally meaning that it is free at the point of use for all it’s beneficiaries.


Current referral partners include NW prisons, GM mental health units, housing associations and refugee and asylum seeker charities. Any adult or young person facing additional barriers and disadvantages, or facing mental health challenges is welcome to apply.



  • To increase a sense of belonging, connection and purpose
  • Improve well-being and mental health
  • Develop protective measures and resilience
  • Encourage work-based and creative skills



  • 1-2-1 ‘wellbeing’ theatre workshops
  • Specialist therapeutic theatre programmes (themes: relationships, resilience, communication, mental-health)
  • Training and performing alongside professional artists/facilitators
  • Beneficiary led performances, showcases, films, campaigns
  • Accreditation
  • Paid professional opportunities for all participants


CCR wants to challenge the misconception that people who have experienced adversity, trauma and incarceration are ‘other’.

CCR does not think that people who have served custodial orders are the same as people who have been sectioned under the mental health act or the same as people seeking asylum, but it recognises that individuals with any of the previous lived experience are likely to have faced multiple barriers and trauma and require a needs-based, flexible, person-centred, trauma informed and safe approach to working with them.

CCR adopts high quality theatre, arts-practice and arts practitioners, that is also underpinned by therapeutic, trauma-informed, restorative, strengths based and non-violent communication approaches.

CCR is community-led, meaning that the design and practicality of the programme respond to the needs of the people and the communities we work with.

CCR is testing new ways of working and not conforming to the status quo in how people who face experience racism, inequalities, disadvantage and discrimination engage with theatre, arts and culture.

Contact Information


Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse
140 Raby Street, Moss Side
M14 4SL


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