Hearts & Minds

Made By Mortals

  • Wellbeing
  • North West England
  • 18+

Hearts & Minds is a group of older people that make original musical theatre for children. The gang meet up every week to create music, lyrics and scripts or rehearse and perform their latest shows. The group regularly collaborate with world class professional artists, theatre makers and musicians in the creation and performance of their shows. The resulting productions tour schools, community settings and conferences throughout Greater Manchester and now, through the power of the internet, nationally and even internationally.


It’s much more than creating musical theatre though, it provides a platform for children to connect with older people and help them feel a bit happier and healthier by putting their skills and experience to good use. In turn the group offers older people the opportunity to give children high quality cultural experiences. Don’t take my word for it, have a gander at the short video below and hear from the group themselves.

Contact Information


Guide Bridge Theatre
Audenshaw Road
Audenshaw, Manchester
M34 5HJ





“I can’t think of a better way to teach empathy, understanding and community responsibility”

– Headteacher, Flowery Fields Primary School, Tameside.

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