Music for Life

Wigmore Hall

  • Physical Health
  • London
  • 18+

Music for Life is a pioneering creative music programme for people living with dementia and their families, friends and carers. Founded by Linda Rose in 1993 and led by Wigmore Hall since 2009, the programme has developed from working primarily in care settings to incorporating a growing number of projects and events in community settings and at Wigmore Hall. We are proud to work in partnership with a range of organisations to provide meaningful opportunities for people at all stages of dementia.


Music for Life Monday Afternoons is a warm and welcoming group that comes together to explore and create music. The group comprises people living with a young onset dementia, their families and carers, and musicians and facilitators from Wigmore Hall’s Music for Life programme.


Together we make music that reflects us as a group, with our own individual stories, experiences and ideas inspiring shared conversation and creativity. The sessions provide an open space for everyone to contribute in whatever way feels authentic for them. You don’t need to be a musician to take part, and there is no pressure to participate in any particular way.

Monday Afternoons meet once a fortnight, alternating between online sessions and in-person sessions that take place in Wimbledon.

You are welcome to attend online, in-person, or both.



Contact Information


Hillside Church
37 Worple Road
SW19 4JZ





“I think we get more medicine from this than anything they put in bottles and pills”

Person living with dementia

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