Arts and Health

Live Music Now: Lullaby, Music for Parenting

Prescribe arts partner Live Music Now, works alongside those with reduced access to live music, in care homes, schools, hospitals, hospices and community settings around the UK. The Lullaby Programme in partnership with the Cheshire & Merseyside Women’s Health and Maternity network, has been a great success.

The Lullaby Programme pairs pregnant women and new mothers and fathers, with professional musicians to create personal lullabies for their babies. In such a setting, this process supports maternal health, childhood development and family bonding through musical exploration.

Sophie, mum to baby Reuben, was one of the first women to take part in Live Music Now’s Lullaby Programme.

I felt compelled to write a glowing review of the whole process because it has been so wonderful from start to finish. From the moment I found out I was going to be involved in the project, I was really looking forward to it but also a little apprehensive as in the past I have been anxious about the unknown and have struggled with confidence, due to mental health issues. However, my mind was instantly put at ease when I received a lovely welcome video which introduced me to the musician I would be working alongside – Pip.

I would thoroughly recommend this project to any parent who is looking for a beautiful way to bond with their child and for an amazing keep sake to hold dearly forever. Since taking part in this experience, I have felt even more connected to my son and as the weeks have gone on he has begun to recognise his lullaby and even fell asleep to it – what a result! It has helped me to feel more confident in my creative abilities and my self-esteem has also improved.

Sophie, Live Music Now’s Lullaby Programme participant

To learn more about Sophie’s experience, click here: The Positive Impact of the Lullaby Programme on New Parents and their Babies

You can also read about The Lullaby Programme by clicking here: Lullaby Launch

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